Friday, February 18, 2011

make adsense for domain

How to Create Google Adsense For Domains
Does adsense for that domain? Adsense for domains is adsense that we put in our domain parking. As my explanation aboutdomain parking that most produce is to make adsense fordomains. Then how do I make google adsense for domains?. Well,below I will explain how to make adsense for domains. Ohya, andterspecial Especially for this domain that we parked at Godaddy.
The steps in making google adsense for domains are:

Buy Domains at Godaddy
Before you make the adsense for domains, the first step and isrequired is that you must have a domain at GoDaddy. For how tobuy a domain at Godaddy see here. Or if you already have adomain at Godaddy and had been active with the website or blog,can also last you park your domain. Do not forget the DNS settingsand click the button for parking domain.
Setting Adsense For Domains At Google Adsense
Once you have parked the domain at GoDaddy, the next step:
- Please log-in on Google Adsense.
- Then the Adsense Setup, select the adsense for domains,domain not remember adsense for adsense for content.
- Enter your domain name is parked at Godaddy earlier in thecolumn add the Domain.
- Then click the Add Domain.
- Click the button Godaddy, then will show information like this:Creating CNAME records:1. Log into your account at
2. Open the Domains tab and select My Domain.
3. Click the Advanced Details link for the domainthat you want to to use with AdSense for domains .
4. In the area of DNS total, click Total DNS Control.
5. If there are lines at the CNAMES (Alias) with 'www' in Hostcolumn click the edit icon in the Actions column for that row and thenclick OK. If not, click Add New CNAME Record.
6. Step 1: In the "Enter Alias Name ', enter ' www '.
Step 2: In the "Point to Host Name" enter" '(with pub-xxxxxxxxxx is theunique publisher ID number listed at the top of your account.)
Step 3: Leave the default values in the "TTL".
7. Click OK. If you click Add New CNAME Record in the fifth step, see "New record successfully created" and click OK.
You have configured your CNAME record point to Google. Nowfollow the steps below to set the record A.
Make a record A:
1. Log into your account at
2. Open the Domains tab and select My Domain.
3. Click the Advanced Details link for the domainthat you want to to use with AdSense for domains .
4. In the area of DNS total, click Total DNS Control.
5. If there are lines in the region (Host) A with '@'in the host, remove all the by clicking the delete icon in the Actions column,click OK, and then click OK again.
6. Click Add A New Record.
7. Step 1: In the "Host Name", enter the @ character.
Step 2: In the "Navigate to the IP Address", enter the IP address216.239.32.21
Step 3: Leave the default values in the "TTL".
8. Click OK. You should see "successfully created new record" andthen click OK again.
9. Repeat steps 6-8, add three more records using the IP address216.239.34.21,, and
- Keep a good description above. Or kopas in notepad only.
Log-in Back On Godaddy
After you successfully add Domain in Google Adsense, please;
- Log-in again at Godaddy with your username and password.
- Click Manage Domains. It will be seen a list of your domains thatyou buy at Godaddy earlier.
- Click the domain name you have prepared for the Adsense ForDomains on Google Adsense earlier.
- Setting Total Dns Setup. After a description of your domain dataappear, click Total Dns setup menu if no one is on the right bottomof your domain data.
- Enter data according to information from Google Adsense.
- After all the data from Google Adsense Setup your work, finishyour homework for makiPublish Postng dech adsense for domains.Next Steps in Making adsense for this domain is to optimize yourDomain before so I can get a lot of visitors. And you just wait forthe results of this Google Adsense For Domains


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