Monday, February 21, 2011

Tools you need to make Money from Stock Market

Stock Market is really looks impressive when you look to price changes and in term of %age changes to stock prices on day to day or year to year basis. It simply tells you to jump into the market for easy gains.
So, Now you are in for making some money from Stock Market. You need following tools handy for making money say your 'Aujars' or 'Hathiyars' or say swiss knife to earn and burn !!!
1. Capital in term of CASH Money
2. Good knowledge of Market, It's terms of Technical and Fundamental Analysis.
3. Good Analysis of Technical points of views backed by fundamental analysis which is backed by good charting software like AmiBroker (r) ( and some financial knowledge to play with.
--  If going for Technical Analysis as your base tool, you nee AmiBroker, RT Data and Trading Software to trade.
-- If going for Fundamental Analysis, you need Financial Accounting knowledge
We prefer to be with Technical Analysis for taking Entry and Exit from any stock/derivative/commodity for which you need AmiBroker (fastest and very good for charting), Trading Software like ODIN (Again Fastest and very good) and to get data to amibroker, our utility FetchFromODIN (Again Fastest and Very Good) these combo software really works best for RT Trading
 4. The most important one, is Decision which no software and no one can give, you have to take it and it is the only most important one than all others !!!
So be equip with all four tools and come to trading, money is yours only. But be prepared with all four tool, make Mastery and then and then only enter otherwise, no one will help you from loosing fast money.
DataFetchers Team


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