Monday, March 21, 2011

Header Ads are the Answer to "BannerBlindness"

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The Header!

The header is that large graphic that's placed at the very top of a website - way "above the fold" where your customer's eyes are instinctively directed every time they load a web page.

99% of web marketers use this area to put a glaringly large graphic with the name of their site, perhaps their mug and a neat little tag line. In fact, headers are so common these days that it never occurred to people how valuable that area really was...

Let's think about this for a minute...
  • The header is one of the first pieces of a page to load - making it the first thing your visitor's eyes often focus on while the rest of the page is downloading.
  • The visitor has already clicked on the website in a search engine results page or a pay-per-click ad. That means they're looking for information and considering a purchase right then!
  • A header ad won't annoy or distract a visitor the way some popups or hover ads can. That means they're far more interested and likely to click when they're viewing an ad that is, literally, part of a website (and not like an afterthought splashed up there to try and earn a few pennies!)

Header Ads are the Answer to "BannerBlindness"

Banner blindness is the term used to describe website visitors who simply don't see your banner ad on a website, because they're so accustomed to seeing banner ads, they've blocked them out of their mind.

It's like me asking you - what's the last commercial you saw on TV?

You have no idea, right? That's because we're so used to seeing commercials, they hardly ever get our attention!

Banner ads are the same way. Some people have tried to counteract the effects of banner blindness by creating ads in different sizes and lengths...

But it all leads back to the same problem. People don't want to be sold to, and as a result,they ignore most forms of advertising designed to part them from their money as quickly as possible.

Header Ads are different - because instead of appearing as a banner within someone else's header - the ad is the header itself! like ?

tutorial sederhana make money


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