Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Get 1,000's of People To Broadcast To

How To Get 1,000's of People To Broadcast To

Your "network" consists of all the people you can broadcast to. You grow your network by inviting as many people as you can into it. Then, the people they invite will go into your network too. And the people those people invite, too. This goes on 15 levels deep.

The most important thing you should know is that all you have to do is bring people to your special DesktopLightning URL, which is:


When people visit this URL and sign up for DesktopLightning, we'll put them in your network and you'll be able to broadcast to them, and their friends, and their friends' friends, and so on!

Under the heading Basic Tools to the left you'll find our tool designed to help you invite your friends to this site, as well as an extremely powerful way to promote DesktopLightning.com using email signatures.

Under the heading Email Ads, we provide you with emails to use in conjunction with our site's launch, other non-launch related emails, and short email ads to place at the top of other emails you send out.

Under the heading Ads For Your Site, we provide you with banners, popups, and text ads for use on your site.

Under the heading Starting From Scratch, we've put together strategies and tools you can use if you don't have your own website or list, or if you do but want more promotional power.


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